Illinois Climate Network: Station Metadata: Olney
The Olney station is located in Richland County on the Richland Community College campus in Olney. The tower is located 135 m north and west of the main campus building. The only other obstructions surrounding the station are two houses located 220 m northeast and 375 m southwest of the tower, two hedgerows less than 3 m tall, and mature deciduous trees in all directions from the tower. One of the hedgerows is an east-west line north of the tower at a distance of 35 m, and the other is a north-south line 65 m west of the tower. The closest mature deciduous trees are located 600 m north, 450 m east, 400 m south, 450 m southwest, 600 m west, and 90 m northwest of the tower. The general terrain surrounding the station is flat for distances greater than 1,500 m.
Latitude: ------- Longitude: ------- Altitude: 134 m
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