Illinois Climate Network: Station Metadata: Freeport
The Freeport station is located in Stephenson County on the Highland Community College campus on the north side of Pearl City Road on the western edge of Freeport. The instrument tower is located in a grassed area near the college's physical plant buildings and the south entrance to the campus. The location of the Freeport tower is one of the least desirable of the entire network. Buildings and a mix of evergreen and deciduous trees obstruct wind flow in all directions from the tower. To the northwest and north, scattered trees and buildings occupy the landscape beginning approximately 100 m from the tower and extending for 1,000 m or more. To the north is the main Highland Community College campus building at a distance of 400 m. Clockwise from the north-northeast through the east, the Highland Community College physical plant buildings obstruct wind flow. The nearest edge of the buildings is approximately 35 m from the tower and approximately 10 degrees east of north from the tower. The top height of the buildings exceeds 10 m. From the east through the southeast, trees taller than 10 m are located within 70 m of the tower. These trees have a significant effect on the wind flow from the east to the southeast. From the southeast through the southwest, the exposure to the tower is relatively good. A mature stand of deciduous trees is located approximately 1,500 m south of the tower. Within 20 m of the tower to the south is a small tree nursery with trees less than 3 m tall. From the southwest to the northwest is a row of houses with landscape trees. The houses extend in an east-west line for more than 2,000 m west of the station. The nearest house is 50 m southwest of the tower. Landscape trees on these properties range from young to mature evergreens that reach approximately 10 m in height. The closest mature trees to the west are 100 m from the tower. These homes and trees also obstruct the general wind flow at the tower. The terrain around the Freeport station is flat to very gently rolling hills. The small knolls in the landscape have very little effect on the general roughness parameters.
Latitude: ------- Longitude: ------- Altitude: 265 m
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