Annual 2018 NORMALS
  High Depart Low Depart Mean Depart Precipitation Depart Snowfall Depart HDD Depart CDD Depart High Low Mean Precipitation Snowfall HDD CDD
January 31.5 -1.4 13.9 -2.8 22.7 -2.1 1.10 -0.95 3.5 -3.3 1302 46 0 0 32.9 16.7 24.8 2.05 6.8 1256 0
February 46.0 8.3 22.2 2.0 34.1 5.1 6.12 3.99 2.0 -3.8 920 -89 0 0 37.7 20.2 29.0 2.13 5.8 1009 0
March 47.1 -2.8 28.8 -1.2 38.0 -2.0 3.18 0.32 2.8 0.2 832 55 0 -1 49.9 30.0 40.0 2.86 2.6 777 1
April 56.0 -6.8 34.1 -7.0 45.1 -6.9 2.32 -1.36 4.9 4.5 592 190 0 -10 62.8 41.1 51.9 3.68 0.4 402 10
May 83.1 9.7 59.1 7.5 71.1 8.6 3.45 -1.44 0.0 0.0 5 -141 201 132 73.4 51.6 62.5 4.89 0.0 146 69
June 84.8 2.3 64.3 2.4 74.6 2.3 8.26 3.92 0.0 0.0 0 -17 295 62 82.5 61.9 72.2 4.34 0.0 17 233
July 84.8 -0.2 64.3 -0.6 74.1 -0.8 3.32 -1.38 0.0 0.0 2 1 297 -12 85.0 64.9 74.9 4.70 0.0 1 309
August 85.2 1.5 65.4 2.3 75.3 1.9 4.15 0.22 0.0 0.0 0 -5 329 64 83.7 63.1 73.4 3.93 0.0 5 265
September 82.3 4.1 60.0 5.8 71.2 5.0 4.72 1.59 0.0 0.0 34 -45 227 112 78.2 54.2 66.2 3.13 0.0 79 115
October 65.9 0.7 43.1 0.5 54.5 0.6 2.29 -0.97 0.0 -0.1 382 24 63 49 65.2 42.6 53.9 3.26 0.1 358 14
November 42.8 -7.8 28.2 -3.8 35.5 -5.8 3.71 0.03 3.3 2.4 879 168 0 0 50.6 32.0 41.3 3.68 0.9 711 0
December 41.8 5.1 26.3 5.1 34.1 5.2 3.37 0.64 1.6 -5.0 952 -165 0 0 36.7 21.2 28.9 2.73 6.6 1117 0
Annual 62.6 1.1 42.5 0.8 52.5 0.9 45.99 4.61 18.1 -5.1 5900 22 1412 396 61.6 41.6 51.6 41.38 23.2 5878 1016
Winter             7.22 3.04 13.2 -7.1 3651   0 0
Spring 62.1 0.1 40.6 -0.3 51.4 -0.1 8.95 -2.48 7.7 4.7 1429 104 201 121
Summer 84.9 1.2 64.7 1.4 74.6 1.1 15.73 2.76 0.0 0.0 2 -21 921 114
Fall 63.7 -1.0 43.7 0.8 53.7 -0.1                
Temperatures are from midnight to midnight (calendar day) and are in degrees Fahrenheit
Precipitation and snowfall are measured at 8 am and represent the previous 24 hours, T means a trace of precipitation
Time is always Central Standard Time (CST)
Heating and cooling degree days use a base temperature of 65°F
Normal refers to the 1981-2010 average
Winter season for snowfall and heating degree days starts on July 1, 2017, and ends on June 30, 2018.